We have groups and activities for our children and youth during the week.
10:30am Sunday Morning Service
There are special groups for children and young people during the morning service. We call these ‘Network Groups’ and they are divided by age:
Tiddlers (Under 3)
Minnows (3-5 Years)
Shoal (5-11 Years)
C-Life (11+)
Click here to register children’s details for Network Groups.
Regent Tots - For pre-school aged children and their carers
Regent Tots is a group for families/carers and pre-school aged children and babies to meet and play, have fun and make friends, have a coffee and a chat and sing and read stories. £1.50 per family covers coffee/squash and healthy snacks. Mondays during term time 10-am to 11-45am. Contact 01788 570410 or tots@rugbybaptist.org.uk
Click here to register for Regent Tots.
Girls Brigade (GB)
Mondays, weekly during term time at 6.00pm in the Regent Rooms. For girls aged 5 to 18 years. Get in touch via GB@rugbybaptist.org.uk
Boys Brigade (BB)
Fridays, weekly during term time at 6.30pm in the Regent Rooms. For boys aged 5-18 years.