We have groups and activities for our children and youth during the week.

10:30am Sunday Morning Service

There are special groups for children and young people during the morning service. We call these ‘Network Groups’ and they are divided by age:

  • Tiddlers (Under 3)

  • Minnows (3-5 Years)

  • Shoal (5-11 Years)

  • C-Life (11+)

Click here to register children’s details for Network Groups.

Regent Tots - For pre-school aged children and their carers

Regent Tots is a group for families/carers and pre-school aged children and babies to meet and play, have fun and make friends, have a coffee and a chat and sing and read stories. £1.50 per family covers coffee/squash and healthy snacks.  Mondays during term time 10-am to 11-45am. Contact 01788 570410 or tots@rugbybaptist.org.uk

Click here to register for Regent Tots.

Girls Brigade (GB)

Helping girls and women explore and engage with real life and Christian faith in fun, informative and hopeful ways.

Mondays, weekly during term time at 6.00pm in the Regent Rooms. For girls aged 5 to 18 years. Get in touch via GB@rugbybaptist.org.uk

Boys Brigade (BB)

Fridays, weekly during term time at 6.30pm in the Regent Rooms. For boys aged 5-18 years.

Click here for Safeguarding Policy Statement