Regular Activities

We have a lot going on throughout the week here at Rugby Baptist Church. Check out the details below.


Church Services - See details of our services.


Regent Tots - For pre-school aged children and their carers. Regent Tots is a group for families/carers and pre-school aged children and babies to meet and play, have fun and make friends, have a coffee and a chat and sing and read stories. £1.50 per family covers coffee/squash and healthy snacks.  Mondays during term time 10-am to 11-45am. Contact 01788 570410 or

Click here to register for Regent Tots.

Girls Brigade (GB) - Helping girls and women explore and engage with real life and Christian faith in fun, informative and hopeful ways.

Weekly during term time at 6.30pm in the Regent Rooms. For girls aged 5 to 18 years. Get in touch via


Luncheon Club - Weekly at 12:30pm in the John Lees Hall. A 2 course meal, all welcome.

Suspended for few weeks during March into early April 2025 due to kitchen renovation works.

3rd Tuesday Club - Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm after Lunch Club in the John Lees Hall. Activities and Fun for older folk.


Prayer Hour - Weekly at 7pm in the Regent Rooms.


Thursday Fellowship - Fortnightly at 2:30pm in the John Lees Hall. Guest speakers and reflections.


Boy’s Brigade (BB) - Weekly during term time at 6:30pm, in the Regent Rooms. For boys aged 5 to 18 years.


Coffee Morning - Monthly (1st Saturday of the month) at 10am -12:30, in the John Lees Hall. Hot drinks and homemade cake. All welcome.

Craft Club - Every 2nd Saturday of the month, bring your own craft and chat at 10am-1pm, in the John Lees Hall.